
Showing posts from November, 2023


     Îmi amintesc vag cum toamna ne strângeam câțiva vecini și plecam în pădure după ghinda. Nu știu exact ce făceau oamenii cu ghinda, dar cred ca era ceva de ronțăit pentru porci. Pentru mine, copil, nu conta decât farmecul mersului prin pădure, al vocilor ce se înălțau mai sus de copaci și se repetau în ecouri, al aburului răcoros ce mă ademenea sa mă afund tot mai mult. O căprioară trecea într-un vârtej, pasari țâșneau din desișuri, tresaream, și apoi liniște... Doar pașii noștri ce vrafuiau frunzele și deveneau sunetul vieții...      Odata, am văzut o salamandra pe coaja unui copac. Pielea ei cu galben și negru nu putea sa nu-mi sara în ochi. Ca o piesa de colaj lipita de o suprafata aspra... Nu era ceva sa sperie, ci mai degrabă o apariție misterioasa, căci am auzit apoi poveștile adulților despre salamandre, nu putin legate de superstiție și mit. Exaltata de întâlnire, am atins-o ușor pe spate, căci nu puteam rezista conectării cu așa materie unica. ...


     Where I'am at, people are talking in brands. No mention about any monthly or yearly income, but when brand names are brought into conversations, a local folk would normally have an idea about an existing budget. There is no need to throw in numbers because chosen brands carry a lot of info about where people are financially. People seem wired to the word "sale" as they are always interested in acquiring stuff of the best quality and functionality at the best possible price. Especially around holidays...      But no matter how shallow it may be to constantly build wardrobes or other collections to fill up houses with, it is better than building ways to make wars and kill...


     I imagine God with his mighty hands in a pile of clay. He voluptuously kneaded on it and a human body took shape. He breathed out and the form became a living body.      The last model was a dancer from Cirque du Soleil. I was in awe not because he was naked-- he was supposed to--but because his body was a true example of beauty. Besides proportions, it featured a perfect balance of muscle and fat. Whichever his diet was, it worked great with the type of activity. (It was a good thing he did not show a hanging belly-- it would have banished away my inspiration... ) Such sight got me close to the act of creation. He told me he loved what he was doing and asked for my drawing...      I see beauty, love and health as interconnected. I can only imagine the silent movement of cells when the body goes through development or healing. Love, proper substances, make those cells move freely. A sort of re-creation. The result is beauty.   ...


Iarna vine cu globuri în brad; Sunt ca amintirile răscolite și scoase la iveală.  Unele sunt încremenite în globul lor de sticla; Le văd, dar nu mai mișcă.  Altele, odată ieșite din cutia lor prind viață și mă ating; Le miros și le rumeg...


Why do I travel for miles and miles Through winter forests  And curtains of snow...? Why do I stop in remote villages And frantically enter shops With old toys in frosty windows...? Why do I chase deer That leap over my head And banish away my evening slumber...? Childhood is nowhere to be found... What I can find at least, Is a new layer of self; Although... thrust in there like a vein  May be the spirit of a child...