
Why do I believe in God?

Because the life I know seems meaningless without it. My choice, in a way...

I am not satisfied with the way this life goes. I want to reach beyond it, and God is the only way through which I see myself going farther.

I do not want, neither need, exhaustive evidence about God's existence. That would no longer be faith.

Even the Bible defines faith as a belief in things unseen, --or to extrapolate-- understood. There you go then... belief in unbelievable.

I got used with a form of mystery to the point of liking it. To the point of becoming a state of being. Living on a glimpse...

To swing on some airy spider lines. Elusive, they are actually tremendously resilient.


  1. Nu știu dacă e o chestie de credință sau alegere, ci mai de graba de Gratie Divina.

    1. Or fi toate 3. As zice ca merg mâna-n mâna. Poate e si o ordine...


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