

You know what... I'm gonna tell you... you are a boulder here, in my way. How could you be so unshaken... sometimes, I wonder... ?  I am a wave that goes afar but always returns to you. Sometimes I hit you hard and curve to retreat, other times I hug you desperately, and leave my foam on your dull surface.  BuI I shaped you well in the cluster of time and have built crevices to slip through and touch you deep.  I am going afar to get the sun, the blue, the birds, but always return to you... I wander freely without consuming myself with measures and directions because you are in the same place showing me where the North is.  And because you have an obsession with the Moon, I come in the night too and let her reflections adorn me, and keep track of my cycles...


I n search of an abstract composition, you are hit and overwhelmed by the multitude of options. Apparently, at least. But there is, perhaps, just one form or combination of forms that make that  composition art , different than those that make the composition good . You have to choose well like you are on a quest of the Holy Grail... To see beyond everything that you see. And go into the unseen...


     In South America, tango is in the air, even though you may not hear music. People talk, dress, interact in certain way, as if they dance. If you feel low on "the spark of life," dance tango on a street-- they are all meant for it-- even with a stranger, even though you don't know the moves. You'll be guided for sure, and you'll be cured...       She said it changed her life, even her art...


     Azi-dimineata m-am intins pe lespedea de ciment încălzită de soare ca o reptila ieșită din iarna. In ultima vreme m-am transformat, se pare, într-o ectoterma, ca de caldura nu mă pot plânge, oricât ar fi de multă. E o anumită libertate in caldura si natura o trăiește. Dispare frica, si toată viața iese din ascunzișuri. (Numai bine ca azi e cea mai lungă zi... sa mă umplu de mai multă...)      Nu mă plâng nici de duritatea pietrei de sub mine care nu mă lasă sa mă afund niciun pic, ca sa simt cumva dulceata vreunei moliciuni. Dar e bine așa-- corpul meu se pliaza pe linia dreapta a plăcii de ciment încat par o neânsemnata movila deasupra, cu mici suișuri si coborâșuri. Așa am conștientizat că ador pământurile solide, si nu nisipurile mișcătoare...

Love story

     "I challenge you to write about a most embarrassing moment. Something that you don't want to write about. Something that it's not even beautiful, or poetic... and nobody wants to write or read about..."                                                                                  *       Although she greatly enjoyed traveling, Drew perceived the upcoming trip as dreary. She did not feel like taking a ten hour flight to another continent in the middle of winter. Moreover, she had had an awful week, with a night spent in an emergency room due to a panic attack. She needed more recovery time, but then the trip was just days away...      On the eve of her flight she still did not feel well. Suitcases were nicely packed, but inside h...

Dream 2

                                                 Yet known,                                             Farther still,                                             Forest lights...                                           

Despre linii

     Cred ca întotdeauna mi-au plăcut liniile. Sunt sinuase, ca viața. Mai mult decât orice însemnare umana, pot exprima orice. Sunt lungi, scurte, subțiri, groase, tremurătoare, curgatoare, picurătoare, obraznice, cuminți, dramatice, liniștite, cum vrei... Nu degeaba se zice "linia vieții," ca poți sa prinzi totul într-una. Linia rămâne o esență, atinge universalul, pătrunde dincolo. Toate detaliile sunt mai puțin importante. Rămâne doar ea, linia, o urma pe pământ, poteca lăsată de un om...