
Dream 3

                                                      Fire                                                       Floating                                                       On wheels...

The Song

     Summer nights are special. If you would just pay attention enough, you would see they are portals towards future and eternity and-- as you enter-- answers to life's big questions may be graffitied on certain walls. If you would just see...       Young Forest did not see. She felt, though... sometimes... It was a summer night that she was totally excited about. A big camp fire a few houses down her street, and some of her favorite people were there, including Sycamore, her childhood friend. Games, jokes, laughter, and music till 3AM. it was that age when everything was around the music of the time... Her beaten-up cassette player was by their side as they were, at times, dreaming or brooding about something when fixing dancing flames...      At a random moment, Sycamore told Little Forest he had something to talk with her, and they agreed upon doing it later, since they would be the only ones walking home in a particu...

Love bucket

I can give love, And place it on a doily even... It gathered like water in a well From the years of rain, With piled up dainties That fed the soul Through the seasons... It grew in a vine, A canopy it made, And grapes are hanging  Like jewels to take At the hour of dusk; Purple juice bursts in a splash All over me...


     Mă bucur enorm de timpul asta! Timp când am timp, sa îl simt cum apasă, sa-i ascult tăcerea, sa fiu atenta la nimic , sa incerc sa vad ce nu vad.  Să-mi permit sa aberez si sa o iau pe arături...      Sa cred ca ceea ce vad nu îmi oferă o imagine completa a ceea ce este, si atunci sa caut ceea ce nu vad pentru ca simt ca striga (de vina e poate muzica). Probabil ca as putea sa confund ceea ce nu vad cu ceea ce e in suflet, într-o încercare de a înțelege cele nevăzute. Mă uit la lumea asta și-mi vine sa trag o perdea-- de-aș putea doar... Rămân cu impresii, dorințe, si probabil credințe ca dincolo de perdea e o rețea de legături, de puncte luminoase, de forme, vibratii, nevăzute in lumea celor văzute... 

Relicva 2 (pentru ea)

Ballade pour nous Ailleurs, dans le temps, Pour un instant, Nous nous sommes vus, En souriant, Et nous avons pleuré Pour avoir rêvé. La rêvé d'aujourd'hui Il sera demain, Lorsqu'en nuit, Toujours en pleurant, On va s'embrasser. Moi, si j'ai rêvé, Mon Dieu, j'ai oublié, La souffrance m'a liée. La nuit s'en va doucement Nous passons pleinement... La fenêtre est ouverte Dehors il a neigé Le fleurs de pommier Volent par-dessus ma tête. Tu est là-haut, Dans mon regard, Je t'attends venir Ne me torture pas. Puis je m'en irai, En murmurant, Et je t'aimerai Tant ca je vivrai.           * Mon printemps va venir, Mais la vie C'est une saison Qui passe toujours... Et toi, ma saison Tu ne cesse jamais D'être toujours.

Desert life

     Every time I open the back door and go around the house, he is somewhere close and runs away like a stalker caught in his ilicit act. I am startled at first and get defensive, as I know myself alone and pretty much naked in the summers's heat. In a glimpse, I only see his huge ears. Quite something, these ears...Then a huge body for a rabbit, like a dog almost. I did not even know there are such big rabbits, but... I see one. He stops after a few jumps, stands on his rear feet, and fixates me from a distance. I thought that Bugs Bunny was a funny cartoon figure, but now the resemblance is clear... the naughty desert rabbit.       Maybe he likes the green bush near the bedroom window, or the shade in that part of the house-- I looked to see if there is a nest of some sort, or a hole, but did not spot any. Let him stay-- I like creatures around-- and I will probably become less and less scared when he's out all of a sudden. No tricks, please...

Nopti de vara 2

Când se lăsa seara, fetele își trăgeau niște egari, tricou peste fund, luciu pe buze, coada la ochi, o zghirdea la gât, parul in vânt, si sub clar de luna la dans plecau... Câteodată si ochelari de soare... noaptea :)) Societatea lor rămânea una ermetică, cu excepția unor portițe ce se mai deschideau din când in când unor preferați din rândul sexului opus cărora li permitea sa mai tragă cu ochiul or urechea...