Desert life

    Every time I open the back door and go around the house, he is somewhere close and runs away like a stalker caught in his ilicit act. I am startled at first and get defensive, as I know myself alone and pretty much naked in the summers's heat. In a glimpse, I only see his huge ears. Quite something, these ears...Then a huge body for a rabbit, like a dog almost. I did not even know there are such big rabbits, but... I see one. He stops after a few jumps, stands on his rear feet, and fixates me from a distance. I thought that Bugs Bunny was a funny cartoon figure, but now the resemblance is clear... the naughty desert rabbit. 

    Maybe he likes the green bush near the bedroom window, or the shade in that part of the house-- I looked to see if there is a nest of some sort, or a hole, but did not spot any. Let him stay-- I like creatures around-- and I will probably become less and less scared when he's out all of a sudden. No tricks, please...


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