About meaning
I was thinking about the meaning of life when I was scrubbing my kitchen floor. For weeks I was seeing some dark spots and shades of dirt on the tiles, and finally got the energy to do it. I do not particularly like to do this kind of work, but after all I am happy that I have the physical ability to perform such task, to give a thorough scrub as I kneel, and then stretch wide rinsing and wiping.
I love clean houses. However, my house is not pristinely clean. I do things when I feel like it: one day a sink, another day a tub, another day something else. In a way, I miss my Mom's "complete" cleaning. Sometime before Easter she would bring a robust woman from the countryside and in a day or two everything would be washed: rugs, curtains, windows, floors. At the end of those days I had the smell of clean in my nose. But Mom, you do not wash and soak the hardwood floors-- that's why I have to repolish them right now...
Scrubbing does not take a lot of thinking. It's just a repetitive action. So I can venture into a reflection about life... At my 43, I feel that I've seen it all. I've been on peaks and also down to the dark valleys. Now, I am on a nice terase and I can have a view of both, thankful that I've experienced the two kinds of a journey; this may give me a better understanding of life and the things therein. Success, failures, heartbreaks, fulfillment, disappointments, joys--they all fell like coins in my fountain, and now I gather quite a fortune. People want to be happy, that's for sure... There is something inside us like a vessel that needs to be filled; when this vessel-like thing is filled we call it happiness.
In the Bible, Jesus mentions "the kingdom of heaven"; that it is at one point like "a treasure hidden in a field," and when people are aware of it, they're willing to do everything that it takes to possess it. Although Jesus gives enough clues that this type of "kingdom" is not exactly something physical, but rather a certain opening toward good in one's heart, the place has still its own degree of elusiveness. It is something that we may lose, or not see, or hardly grasp, but remains still a possibility. This area in one's heart has almost the consistency of love, and love is not meant to be forgotten, it is something that fills up one's vessel. I am always curious about places off the beaten path, and want to get close and enter...
My floor is all wiped and shiny. I can walk barefoot. Love it! I am going to make it up for this hard chore: I will have waxing done, and hair work, and maybe I will throw in a pedicure. Any woman should be a queen...at least from time to time.
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