Florida Story

    The orchid by the kitchen sink was limp, and its leaves were heavily wrinkled. The flower was dying. Nothing had worked: spraying, watering, sun, or shade. But I could not give up on it-- my first ever orchid in a pot...

    In Florida's wild, orchids cling on trees. Knowing it, I took the flower outside to give it a last try. I fastened its roots on a small palm tree near my door, in a place where the sprinkle was reaching generously, and the tree's canopy was giving it proper shade. Soon after, I forgot about it...

    One day I had a sudden recollection, and went to check on the orchid. Amazing... The flower had hugged and hugged the tree with its roots, even longer and ferm. My little clips used to keep the plant in place were no longer needed because the roots were fierily stuck in between the protrusions of  the tree trunk, as if they were part of it. The leaves bore no sign of wrinkles, and a long stem had grown from under them; at the tip of it a pink flower had bloomed, and a few other were just waiting to open... I was so happy as if I gave birth myself.

    Or maybe it was the joy of resurrection.

                                                                  *  *  *

    The artwork is laid down on the table, ready for the show.

    "Why did you put those blobs of gooey stuff...? They look like sperm."

    "Trust me, it actually makes sense..."

    We laughed for about 5 minutes. In bed.


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