About matter
I keep on procrastinating with work on the soup. I would rather lie down and relax because I am a bit light-headed. But there is no cooked food left in the refrigerator and I really want to eat a soup after all...
So, I chop onions, and carrots, and big leaves of kale and I am mindful of their material consistency that will somewhat become part of my body. Soon. It's a good thing that I have the radio on, right at the classical music station, as I need to mix matter with spirit.
I hear Schubert and Dvorák and my mood becomes grave, as I meditate on how my starving body fits in a symphony. It shakes a bit with every move, my heart is beating, I feel my blood dripping as it's my fist day; women are generally irritated by such discomfort and mess, but it is also a sense of catharsis. Let it go...this matter...
I am perfectly conscious of my own physicality but my spirit is flowing with the music. Chopin and some strings transport me somewhere...I don't know...where there is no matter at all. But in the pot things are coming together nicely, a more unified matter...
procrastination asta e un cuvânt boem, la moda :)
ReplyDeleteAdevarul e ca e un cuvânt cam sofisticat pentru simplul "a amâna o treaba." Tot auzeam in contexte de toata ziua cuvântul asta si ma intrebam... ce fac astia dimineata devreme, sa zicem, de "procrastinate...?" Si asa am invatat si eu cuvantul :))
DeleteE o amânare care implica sentimentul se vinovatie. Presiunea timpului și a societății de a face ceva.
ReplyDeleteLenea, atatul degeaba, au fost ai sunt discriminate pein Păcat, bârfa, ratare.
Ma bucur totusi ca mai exista miscari /oameni, prin care se promoveaza o idee sanatoasa despre munca: sa mai ai timp de relaxare, reflectare, admirare; adica si o alftel de conectare...