About mind
The fact is some people are losing their minds as they get older. I am an occasional observer, and sometimes I am thrown into interactions of this sort. When this happens, I feel that I hit a wall. I cannot use reason to meet these people, and they cannot meet me. I know it but they don't. It's kind of shocking because normality is wished for and the other way it's hard to accept. But I am still trying to find fissures in the wall, and attempt to rationalize. I only hit the wall harder...
The tendency is to categorize people as crazy or normal, but there are degrees in between. People lose their minds gradually. One day you notice a little something, another day something else, and you are still not sure. Eventually a day may come when you see a familiar person looking at you with a strange gaze, looking rather through you, somewhere beyond. The wall is there...
I am not to analize Descartes' "I think, therefore I am," but I find a sweetness in it as I love the consciousness of being conscious. There is a sense of truly living when mindful.
I cherish my mind. The feeling of waking up and become conscious of personal existence, even though it is a repetitive act. Even though one may wake up to the same human drama...
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