About love

Love does not come easy.

People do not love other people easy. 

I do not even reflect on the scenario when you feel an attraction for someone, generally for a person of the opposite sex, and love-like feelings get precipitated. 

I am thinking of love like a combination of liking, care, and acceptance, towards a simple being that is very different than you. This feeling comes harder. 

Loving comes with knowing.

So, love may come layer by layer as you get to know the person/being, and in a portion of time you may notice something of a certain consistency. 

If you succed in loving, you may feel at one point that the heart is covered in love like a garden in the first snow... 

Seasons come and go, but can you keep that pure blanket over...?


  1. Aici nu comentez. E prea complicat. :))

  2. Pai e complicat si pentru mine. De-aia schitez asa, ceva...
    Cred ca e o provocare, si o placere pana la urma, sa scrii despre lucruri mai complicate...


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