About objects
There is beauty in certain objects. More than that, the beauty of some lasts through decades and centuries. So, I like to look at vintage objects, and discover that some features remain timeless. I may feel in luck if I find something that I resonate with for a bargain price (like today). What a find, how come people can get rid of this, I may ask myself...?
Early in the morning dealers check adds for estate sales, garage sales, or moving sales and rush there in the hope to get objects cheap and sell them for a lot more.
I step back to ponder... Many people no longer need such beautiful objects because they are dead. Those who inherit what it had been gathered throughout a lifetime cannot keep everything--they have their own.
I fall into thinking that I am rescuing a beautiful object by giving it a stable space where it's admired and regularly dusted, but the reality is that I am no different than others. Those who came out of my womb may decide one day to dispose of everything that I've collected while meandering through here.
We are part a big cycle. A cosmic whirlpool in which we swirl alongside many objects. Cannot live without them.
And I dare to believe in resurrection, restoration, recreation...
Cred ca la obiectele vintage contează mult proiecția pe care o faci. Dacă îți aduce aminte de ceva neplăcut oricât de frumos ar fi vrei sa scapi de el. Obiectele vechi vin cu o mare încărcătura emoțională. Dacă e prost gestionata mai bune te lipsești de ele. Și vin cu istoria proprietarilor cu energiile lor.
ReplyDeleteAsa e cu proiectiile. Am asa un fel de "creepy feeling" in magazinele astea, dar in general ma concentrez pe estetic. La fel si cu ce-mi ramane de la altii. Nu cred ca imi place sa privesc obiectele altfel decat ceea ce sunt: obiecte.