
    Lots of rainbow flags in this city. Rainbow fences. Rainbow this, and that. Pride, they say. 

    The society tells gay people they should be proud of this lifestyle. I would be harshly judged if I would tell them, even as an act of empathy, they need therapy. I believe it is some sort of misalignment or disorder when, for example, a person born with a male sex displays a woman-like behavior and looks for a relationship with a man. Something might have happened in their brain or as far as hormones even when they were still in the womb... hard to know. Others, if they are not born this way, may become gay at some point during their lifetime, often as a consequence of certain experiences. Still, society tries to assure  everybody that any scenario is normal.

    On the other hand, a religious person may jump like burned at the idea that a gay person may be born this way because--they argue--God could not have created them like that. It is just lust, they say. I would not put God here; people are born with all kinds of issues, disease comes in many shapes and sizes, usually effects of human actions. And things are more complex than simply lust. I  slept in the same bed with other girls, held hands with other girls, but never had the desire to kiss a girl, or touch her intimately.

    In my own straight opinion, nothing compares with sex between a man and a woman. A simple observation of male and female anatomy confirms that things should be done this way. But some gay feel they have great experiences their way. I don't know. I was one time in a bookstore and accidentally got by the gay section. Checked a few titles and looked a bit through a book about lesbian sex. Toys? Really?

    There is a special unity that a male and female create, a true circle of universal balance. A child is born within and he or she can find here what is needed for growth. A child with two dads or two moms might miss something along the way, and be hunted with the same question as time goes by:

    "Where is the other part that made me...?"


  1. Dacă nu ar fi tot conflictul asta social, artificial, creat ca sa demonizeze, sa întoarcă oamenii împotriva oamenilor, am privi lucrurile mult mai detasat și corect.

    Dumnezeu nu greșește.

    Fiecare experiența e unica și nu suporta comparație.


    1. Si o exaltare artificiala mi s-a parut. Care de fapt ascunde drame in opinia mea.
      Eu cam incerc sa am pareri obiective, dincolo de cele subiective care cu siguranta exista.


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