About fake

    "I love you! We are bonded by unique relationship and connection, you are my special friend..."

    "My sister, love you to the Moon and back..."

    How should one feel when such love affirmations are bestowed upon...? A fire seems to ignite inside the soul before she (most likely) can ponder on the meaning of the words and the magnitude of such love... 

    As I unexpectedly received such grandiose declarations from women whom I've had little of interactions and intimacy, although flared up a bit, I kept my reservations because life has taught me that love takes time. Nonetheless, I was open to nourish such relationships with everything I knew it meant love of friends, more specifically women friends.

     Once in a while, I meet such gals at some gatherings. I gladly expect they would want to spend some time with me, but I am often hit with inexpressive glances, formal waving or smiles, and then disappearance. Never kept call promises, or no answers to my messages. Silence for a long time... Is it my misconception to believe that special bond or sister-like relationship ask for steady interactions and communication...? Or that relationships and love not just happen, but require a growing process and things to build upon...?

    I cannot help but notice the stark contrast between words and actions. Discrepancies are very noticeable indeed. Sometimes, when I finally get a chance to talk with my gals, I touch upon the need of communication in friendship; the reply comes as natural as if there is no problem at all:

    "I am so busy... life happens... you know..."

    Still, people hang on to the magic of love words; they want them in their lives, even as merely decor. They cannot live without forms of feel-- life is bleak without them; for some though, even an empty sentimentalism may suffice. But they are forms of kitsch that can only capture attention for a little, but cannot pass the test of time. They crumble into pieces when spring cleaning comes around once more...

    Generally speaking, there is no longer time or taste for love that grows old. For a type of love that may weather like a a rock on the beach as years go by, but withstands the elements, and still have life in it at the end of time... In this love, words are kept in the inner drawer of the being just to be taken out as the right moment arrives...

    Updates: February 8, 2024

    Love it's a process... to get rid of the fake... We are working on it...


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