Love synopsis

40s By now I should know everything about love. Pretty much. I think I do, although I reserve a small area to be surprised still... By now I am aware of the channels, different from person to person, through which love springs forth or/and comes in. You don't love anybody until you decide to do so.

30s Things are becoming more clear now.

20s When you actually want to answer the question "what is love...?" And things are rather chaotic...

Adolescent. You need about 2 or 3 things to like at a person in order to fall in love. Besides these, it's a matter of projections-- you attribute the things you want or dream about to that person. He/she may have them or not. The question remains: whom do you love? That person, or an image wrapped in your own dreams and desires...?

Child. You jubilate around a person that you feel attracted to, and think it must be love.You heard about love, you are not sure how to define it, but somehow you feel that it's something big and get exited about it. But it's no time to be too conscious about, just live the moment because it flies quickly like a dandelion puffball in a summer day...


  1. Interesantă trecerea asta prin etapele vieții. Fiecare vârsta cu farmecul ei.

    1. Imi vine in minte un dulap cu sertare. Faci ordine si te simti bine. Farmec!

  2. Dali a pictat dulap cu sertare. Pornind de la teoria lui Freud despre sertare.


    1. Da, am mai vorbit. E asa natural pentru mine sa ma gandesc la sertare, ca am devenit un fel de "organizing freak" :))


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