Unanswered questions

    They say you need a village to raise a child. As far as my own childhood, it rings true: parents, friends of parents, grandparents, neighbors, aunts, uncles... they all had their part with me. With children of my own though, I had to become the "village,"I suppose... But no matter what, a village it's not enough to deal with the energy, curiosity, inventiveness, awkwardness of a child. One needs an ever watchful eye to take action when a villager fails to see, or act, in case a danger develops out of the blue. A creature with wings that sees even though is not seen, strong and fast to change things for the better in a blinking of an eye.

    I heard many stories about invisible creatures with wings. I believe they are around, even though I do not have a sense of them. I get goosebumps when I remember childhood moments when things could have gone wrong for me, but they did not; even with my own kids, when a moment of forgetfulness on my part could have turned ugly, but somehow everything remained the same. As if when human vigilance was weak, somebody took over and things were simply normal. Those quiet miracles, when a scenario has all the ingredients to become tragedy, but in a very soft and unassuming way, nothing unusual happens. In the silence, I can only imagine all the flutter around...

    But why it's not always like that, I don't know... The first funeral that I went to as a kid, was that of a child. A neighboring little girl had died: a freak accident around the house, when a heavy thing fell on her while adults were doing their ordinary business. I don't know why the creatures with wings did not do anything about it that time... I entered the room with the small coffin according to the custom, and was reluctant to look at her... quiet... there. What did I know about death...? I had just learned that it, too, was part of life... And I was only starting...


  1. Observ ca atunci când scri in engleza îmi pare un scris mai impersonal, descriptiv si rece. Sau poate limba asta nu rezonează in mine.

    1. Nu as putea sa spun cu exactitate daca e sau nu asa. E adevarat ca engleza e o limba mai practica in comparatie cu romana, mai poetica. De obicei scriu in romana cand povestesc intamplari legate de Romania, ca vreau sa folosesc niste termeni specifici ce mi-ar fi greu sa- i traduc, si oricum nu ar fi acelasi efect. Despre lucruri mai curente, in engleza. Sunt nivele de cat las trairile sa transpara in scris, depinde. In tumultul unui eveniment sunt ocupata cu traitul, scrisul vine mai tarziu, mai detasat. Dar acum sunt si intr-un mare calm al vietii; nu-l numesc raceala.

    2. Da. Așa e. Engleza e o limba mai exactă, poate exprima sentimente mature. Dar am observat asta la prietenii mei vorbitori de engleza, când vor sa spună ceva mai delicat, intim, o schimba pe engleZa. Haha suna mai altfel :))

    3. E o observatie buna! Si eu am observat asta, cred ca intai la mine:)) Cu vorbitorii de romana suna mai impersonal cand o dai pe engleza, sau alta limba. In functie de dispozitia pentru discutii intime, poti sa jonglezi. Dar mai e si ca iti trebuie cateodata mai multe cuvinte sa spui ceva in romaneste: uite cuvintele "weekend" si "sfarsit de saptamana." Mai greoi in romaneste, si vine engleza cu practicul ei. In fine, pana la urma, fiecare limba cu melodia ei... Eu fiind aici, am invatat engleza bine zic, dar e un proces perpetuu sa o si patrund.

  2. M-ai provocat cu trairile si uite niste ganduri... Trairile mele sunt ca niste izvoare la suprafata, si de acolo se ramifica precum apele freatice in interior prin toti rarunchii. Trairile tale sunt ca bujorii (ca tot iti plac tie :)) ), infoiati si spumosi, ce vad eu, nu stiu mai adanc.

    1. Daa. Îmi convine. Eu cu bujorii tu cu izvoarele. :))


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