Art and such...

    I am open to art on different surfaces... mixed media... sure! But on my own skin... it's too far stretched, and not really necessary, I find. Even though art is not necessarily necessary. Especially since such choices often come with forms of human misadjustment rather than artistic quest. Also, I need some space between me and art, a space that would elevate it a bit, that would allow me to experience immersion...

    It just happens that I am in an area where people have more tattoos than in other parts I know, so it makes me thinking... Search of identity, an anthropologist may say. People are always in search of meanings and when it's hard to find some, tattoos come with a sense of significance. Perhaps an easy one despite the pain. I guess it's possible for some to forget or not know who they really are, and try finding themselves. The allure of the primitive, the call of the tribe, the power of a mark that may be charged with a guiding energy. Going with a cross, a flower, a heart, a monkey, a word... could be anything... Feel the life... People from Oceania who tattooed their bodies and faces and got loose in some rituals that seem far removed from Western modern world...

    A person that I know, whose cat died, tattooed the feline's paw on her inner forearm, and it looks like an inky spot before you read anything else. To have someone or something in mind is significant enough. There is a life inside as much as outside. Is it truly fulfilling to have such mark outside, does it enhance the feeling, the intensity, you want people to know... ? Is it worth going through needle pain and pouring a toxic ink in body's largest organ in order to spread out the feeling like a Facebook thing...? Not to mention the tattooed bodies that barely have bare skin left. Walking galleries? Then there are those who inform you they have tattoos where they cannot tell, but they've told you enough already... Are their partners more excited? Who knows... maybe... we live in a world where people can't be happy without little extras...


  1. Interesantă reflecția despre arta. Da, sunt de acord.

    Despre tatuaje ma întreabă aseară niște pusti dacă am. No way! Le zic. Totuși, dacă m-as înrola in armata as prelua tatuajul de pe mâna lui tata.

    Ce tatuaje poți sa faci la 18 ani? Măcar de ar spune ceva despre tine, Dar sunt pur in/estetice.

    Adevăratele tatuaje sunt alea de pușcăriași.


    1. Mi se pare ca am zis cam tot ce aveam de zis in scriere. Poate au mai mult sens in anumite situatii, de la caz la caz...
      Inainte vedeam izolat, cate un tatuaj pe o mana-- imi amintesc de tatuajele alea cu contur gros, mai naiv facute, pe care le vedeam ca si copil in Romania. In timp a aparut mai multa precizie, culori, vad cu mai mult realism, si vad bucati mari de piele innegrita la multi pe aici... Desenele sunt incarcate si-ti ia un timp sa citesti ce e. O adevarata cultura, si am simtit nevoia sa notez...


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