Falling in love

In English, it sounds like an accident.

You stumble and fall into something. 

It suggests a certain impermanence and drama. 

If the thing in which you are falling is love, there is a host of occurrences around the person you stumble upon: butterflies in your stomach, persistent thinking, dreams and desires, silly behavior, you name it... 

I find that one element that maintains it all for a while is a form of mystery. 

You don't entirely know the person, but he/she inspires you to see another world, a diffused and enticing space where--it seems-- your dreams are coming in like cute little bugs in the spring, to take form, live, and thrive. 

You naturally want to be with that person as much as you can. 

Things may work out and you may end up with that person for a longer time. 

However, as you start being more and more with that person, you start (unavoidably) knowing him/her better and better.

Mystery dissipates slowly like a fog.

You'll wake up one day realizing that he/she may not have exactly those elements you feel are needed for your dreams to be at home.

In fact, he/she may be quite the opposite. Sometimes.

Now you see him/her the way he/she actually is. 

Slowly, you come out of the place where you fell into. Perhaps with a sense of wonder.

You may becoming too serious, no longer silly and exuberant. And you rarely see those cute bugs around. Unless you put some effort to search for them. They may still be there, somewhere...

If you decide to stay around, the relationship with him/her enters another stage.

The general tendency is to consider love only the falling in stage, the accident. 

In actuality, love-- if there is any indeed-- just goes into the stage where you accept the person the way he/she is, not necessarily linked to your dreams and wants... Not as mysterious, and not an accident...


  1. Îmi place mult traducerea mot-a-mot, am căzut în dragoste. Exprima bine sentimentul. Și da, de acord și cu a doua parte.

    1. Da, e o expresie incarcata cu semnificatii si provocatoare. Recent am intalnit si expresia opusa: "Rather than falling in love—passive, gravity-bound, inevitably hitting ground—what if we rose in it? Rising requires warmth." Ca trebuie sa te ridici odata de unde ai cazut :)) Si e de dorit sa te ridici tot in dragoste...


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