
Winter Fog

                       I am at a remote lodging in the North West. Here, deer come near my room and meander around; they tend to linger at the compost hole to eat. As I am walking near by, they are not scared because they seem to be accustomed with humans; and I am not one to bother them. Later, as I retreat, the fog, the drizzle, and the cold, encircle my small room. Through the evening fog I see some distant lights, and hear, perhaps, the howl of a lonely coyote. I fall asleep. It’s just dreams and memories…

Reflections on Survival

     One time I met a man from Rwanda who told me the story of his own survival during the genocide-- somehow he made it as he ran and hid himself. He also told me the story of some people that he knew who decided to leave behind their crying baby because the infant made their running and hiding difficult; they survived, but the baby did not. The man continued telling me that those people were later consumed with regrets, and consequently experienced psychological disorders due to a persistent sense of guilt.      Browsing the net, I came across the stories of people who succumbed to cannibalism as they were struggling to survive during extreme situations— war or ill-fated expeditions. I do not know how those who survived dealt with their gruesome (I assume) memory afterwards.      And since we are going through a global pandemic, as we know it, I can not escape mentioning it as my third example (yeah, they say 3 is a good number when it ...

Bucata de Sapun ca Masura a Timpului

     Revenind dupa un timp in casa in care am crescut, am simtit nevoia sa revizitez fiecare loc al ei si sa-mi trec mainile prin lucruri vechi, demult neatinse. Asa am ajuns si in pod. Acolo am dat de fotografii vechi si scrieri uitate, carti din alta generatie, si lucruri care nu si-au mai gasit locul in casa dupa ultima varuiala. Praful acoperea cutiile in care se gaseau ca o patura latoasa; de atata paienjenis pe alocuri se formasera ciucuri lungi ce mi se lipeau de maini si haine.      Am miscat usor o tigla ca sa am mai multa lumina. Astfel am putut sa am vedere catre gradina. De acolo vedeam totul de departe, si ma vedeam chiar copil fiind. Atunci perspectiva era alta— eram jos, langa pamant, tavalindu-ma in trifoiul verde de langa pruni. Acum, acolo sus, vedeam toata gradina dintr-o privire, dar trifoiul nu ma mai atingea…       Am zarit pe niste barne mai multe cuburi negricioase, si ele acoperite de stratul gros de praf. Am rec...

Despre "tinerete fara batranete" si "viata fara de moarte"

     Copil fiind, am tot auzit basmul asta: Tinerete fara Batranete si Viata fara de Moarte. Din cate imi amintesc acum, fara nicio improspatare, era cam asa: dupa niste cautari cu peripetii un tanar a gasit in sfarsit taramul tineretii fara batranete si al vietii fara de moarte. Acolo viata era o desfatare, cu femei frumoase, lapte si miere…Totusi, in mijlocul acestei fericiri, a simtit un dor nespus de locul de unde venise. Si a plecat, chiar daca cei din tara tineretii ii spusesera sa nu o faca pentru ca nu va mai gasi la fel lumea de unde venise, si nici nu se va mai putea reintoarce. Intr-adevar, toti cei pe care ii stia in tara lui nu mai erau demult, locul era vechi si parasit, si moartea chiar il astepta si pe el, pentru ca traind o vreme in tara tineretii, pierduse notiunea de timp.      M-am gandit la povestea asta in timp ce locuiam intr-un loc cu multe flori, si soare—Florida. Aici auzisem de acest mit al “fantanii tineretii”— un loc cautat fre...

The Girl with Two Braids-- a different kind of Red Riding Hood

In the city of Somewhere lives a girl who has two long braids, brown like chestnuts. She is everything that her mother dreamed of—a playful girl with two long braids.The mother named the girl Little Forest, a name that she had had in mind since she was still pregnant with her. She is very fond of Little Forest, and every time the girl goes to school, the woman adorns the braids of her child with colorful ribbons: white, pink, or blue. Because Little Forest was a good student all year long, the mother wants to offer her child a special summer vacation. So she decides to send the girl to The Sea, together with other kids of her age, and a teacher. Little Forest is very excited; she has heard magnificent stories about The Sea, but has never gone there before, and moreover, she has never gone anywhere without her mother, who is sometimes exceedingly protective. The much anticipated day of the trip has come and Little Forest, the other kids, and their teacher are gathered at the railw...