
Conversation with Desert 12

"I chose to spend my days of summer near you, But your heat makes me fluid like Dali's clock, And feel like melting before collapsing on sheets In the hope they'll cool me down... His skin though is even warmer, To melt together... Into anthropomorphic fluid Where Memory persists..." "During daylight I freeze everything with heat, But during the night things come alive... Come..." "Yes, at midday you are a frozen giant-- A blanket of heat covers everything, Even the sound, or time... I could walk naked and still feel covered... I' ll come, I' ll come... in the middle of the night.... To gather dreams And ride on wild horses..."


Mănânc mâncarea asta verde si vie si sunt tot mai constienta de minunea de corp viu. Ca in ultima vreme face tot ce-mi place: se întinde cum vreau, nu-mi lasă nici pic de durere, si-mi creste parul pan' la brâu.  Daca e viu, e flexibil, așa cred. Flexibil si la figurat, adica gusturile-i se schimba. Credea ca se simte bine cu dulciuri si prăjeli, dar acum nu-i mai plac, si vrea numai mâncarea asta viu colorată care nu mai așteaptă să-i fac eu nu știu ce, ci sare in farfurie mai așa cum e ea din pământ, si creste in timp ce o înfulec cu pofta...  Mai dă-mi, hai...

Moment simplu (sfârșit de primăvară)

De agățări avide, valurile s-au repezit la picioarele mele. Le-am dus lipsa într-un fel, si le-am lăsat să-mi plescăie pe pielea încălzită de drumuri.  E un sentiment aici, la marginea asta de lume unde oamenii s-au adunat pe o buza moale si caldă să-și amintească de propria existența... p.s. Până la urma e ok daca ma uda leoarca...

Conversation with Desert 11

"Let's talk about dreams, Those you see with wide open eyes..." "I am all ears... I make dreams..." "With you, I can see them better  Since much obstruction is not. Dreams are like mirage in the distance, Or shifting sand in the winds... I want to grab them but they are too soft and airy; Their consistency is disappearing as I'm getting close,  Or they fade... Are they illusions...?" "I show you dreams... They are not always illusions; Many dream of water, And find it here... Fading it's an illusion too... Walk the sands to find a portal, Where dreams have bodies to grab, And became you..." "I walk the sands..."

My gastronomical mind

           I am walking/driving with menus in my head. What meal comes next...? As if everything revolves around food. It probably does... I've naturally become well versed with food creations, so when I'am looking in the refrigerator I'am able to come up with something from whatever ingredients I may find  there... Here's a dish! I am getting tired sometimes of all meal preparation for everybody around, that when I am finally alone it's such a delight to not eat at all. To feed on air, scenery, music, colors, words, dreams...

Unanswered questions

     They say you need a village to raise a child. As far as my own childhood, it rings true: parents, friends of parents, grandparents, neighbors, aunts, uncles... they all had their part with me. With children of my own though, I had to become the "village,"I suppose... But no matter what, a village it's not enough to deal with the energy, curiosity, inventiveness, awkwardness of a child. One needs an ever watchful eye to take action when a villager fails to see, or act, in case a danger develops out of the blue. A creature with wings that sees even though is not seen, strong and fast to change things for the better in a blinking of an eye.      I heard many stories about invisible creatures with wings. I believe they are around, even though I do not have a sense of them. I get goosebumps when I remember childhood moments when things could have gone wrong for me, but they did not; even with my own kids, when a moment of forgetfulness on my part could have...

New Old Story

     T hey had their wedding in the spring. In the month of May, with many flowers, like she wanted. They were young and did not know entirely the substance of life and happiness. They carried bags full of childhood trauma, insecurities, and even disease; bags were there to linger...      T heir daughter came right away because they wanted her. She came and was loved, much loved. Not that love was perfect--could not have been--but she understood that around her was a warm cloak that kept her safe while growing.      I n time, their bags became heavier and heavier, and the two of them were barely moving. They fell ill under such burden. Eventually, they knew their end was near. They left the city and took their daughter to the forest where they had some friends. With heavy hearts they left her there, and departed quietly.      T he girl thrived in the forest. She loved the trees, the flowers, animals and birds. Her heart became ...